Scent Marketing: The Next-Gen Weapon of Influence

Scent Marketing: The Next-Gen Weapon of Influence

Scent marketing may be the most powerful next-gen weapon of influence and brand affinity. No, I am not trying to sell you essential oils! There is research suggesting people spend 44% longer in an establishment if the smell is pleasing. This translates into dollars and loyalty. Think about every time you’ve gone to a spa or have gone to get a massage. The smell is so relaxing and you can't wait to come back! Scents in retail outlets are nothing new but marketers don’t think about this sense in marketing materials and it is time we started!

Scent has the ability to evoke a memory, an emotion, make you feel comfortable, put you at ease and can improve your mood. When your mood is improved you feel more relaxed, often times happy and you want to stay in that moment as long as you can. Just pull up a memory that makes you smile. Is there a smell associated with your memory? As a kid my late grandmother would make THE BEST apple pies. No one has made a better apple pie since! She would put rhubarb in her apple pie and had this pan that made the crust as crunchy as the top. I can remember being little and just watching her. But the smell of apple pie always brings me back to this moment in time. You see, a consumer can pull up an experience and in a heartbeat remember where they were. The part of our brain responsible for cognitive thinking and processes is bypassed before we are aware of a scent, and by the time we realize an emotional reaction has been ignited, your brand is top of mind. Can you see what I am putting down?

Not only do we need to think about the scent we place in our brick and mortar outlets, but what smell does your full page ad emit? What does your 300x250 digital ad emit? In order to maintain an unbiased opinion I have found some ads that show how marketers can bring scent into their ads, and no, I am not picking the easy targets like food or perfume.


Not only does this ad capture my heart but I can smell the salt water coming off the ocean, I can smell my dogs scent and finally I can smell his dog food. If you’re a dog (or cat) lover you know your friends scent and this bring so much peace and happiness. Pedigree did a great job bringing to life emotions and scent through one simply image. I won't lie, not seeing man's best friend next to him in the left image kinda broke my heart. 

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Magnolia… Chip and Jojo Gains

Yes, I love Fixer Upper and I love Chip and Jojo (because clearly we’re on a first name basis). Every month their magazine comes out. It is filled with so many future Pinterest Fails! But their covers make you feel and smell where they are. This issue is one of my favorite. You smell the wood in the Barn, the hay, the freshly cut branches and of course the roasted chicken. I like to think there is potatoes and gravy on the table, too. But what else are you getting from this cover image? For me, I see my family coming together, I hear the laughter, I can smell the bottles of wine. Again, I am comfortable. I am at ease. Chip and Jojo make you feel like family and you want to buy from your family! Cha-ching!


Dick’s Sporting Goods

This is a great ad! Not all smells resonate positively to all people. In this ad I smell freshly cut grass with the scent of stinky shoes from smelly teenage boys who are sticky. But what smell resonates with me, may not resonate with you. For you, this might remind you of taking your son to his games and watching him play and this smell reminds you of when he lived with you and now he has gone off to college. For you, this might remind you of your father who sat in the stands on game day who is no longer with you. Dick's is advertising to their market and this scent resonates  with their audience and that is a positive for your brand and your business!

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Every scent plays a part in forming a bond with your consumer. It can enhance an experience at a restaurant, in your hotel, in a retail outlet, but don’t forget to put scent in your marketing material. Scent has one of the strongest connections to memory and emotion! Associating your brand with these two ideals is like hitting the jackpot! You can evoke luxury, warmth, relaxation and excitement from an advertisement, can create awareness and has an underlying persuasive intent. So, what scent is your business putting off?