Digital Marketing In Chaos

Content is King!

Digital marketers are able to pivot at a moment’s notice which allows us to capitalize on dynamic market trends. In the midst of a global crisis when everyone’s eyes are focused on one thing, should marketers turn off their media, scale back or stay the course? What role does morality play? And, did Marketers forget to use their toolbox?


As marketers, we’ve built plans around strategies we’ve agonized over for weeks in order to meet aggressive budgets. We’ve helped our clients shine with their new products. But then a crisis happens… How do we position a brand in a crisis like COVID 19? While marketers and public relation professionals have dealt with crisis before, this situation is unlike anything the world has seen. There is no manual and there is no certainty.

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Over the past two weeks, I have watched sponsored posts on Instagram/Facebook disappear. I am not being served ads on my ‘go to’ websites. Big name brands like Sorel, Nike and Elm Street are no longer targeting me. My email has blown up with Credit Card companies telling me how they are handling this crisis, along with every other company I have ever given my email address to! It is messy. However, I haven’t seen many marketers think strategically about this opportunity. If you have pulled your advertising dollars have you thought about your content strategy? Here’s looking at you ski industry; this would be the time to feed your skiers cool content pieces you haven’t been able to get to. I know a resorts have an abundance of footage that is just waiting to be edited together. Tell me a story. Tell me what I have to look forward to next winter! I want to watch something that isn’t all doom and gloom and I want the brands I associate with to feed me content and ‘help’ me through this.


A lot of industries need to take a page from the Dropkick Murphy’s – punk rock band from yonder years! They hosted a FREE, virtual concert on St. Patrick’s Day?! Come on, that was a brilliant idea. It had 40,000 people tuning in at one time! Virtual Yoga! Heck yea! We have celebrities like Luke Combs pushing out a ‘cover’ sets and new music via Insta-live. This is our time marketers, our time to show those penny pinchers (Finance Team) that we can build loyalty and resilience with our key audiences.

I posed a question earlier of where morality comes into play in times like these? I look at morality through the lens of right and wrong. It is in poor taste to be pushing ‘buy now,’ and ‘save big,’ messages when people are worried about their jobs, their house/car/debt payments and if they have enough food to get through this. However, I am sitting back wanting to see companies be creative with their content and they aren’t. There is silence. I want something to watch that inspires me that ‘this too shall pass.’ In my mind, this is the ‘right’ thing to do. Just look at Tik Tok. Tik Tok creators are crushing it with content right now.  Users are posting ‘positive’ vibes via this medium. Users are engaged. We have threads on Reddit with people calling their children ‘coworkers’ and posting what is happening at their homes. Clearly there is a want/need/desire for relief during this time. If done tastefully, you are building loyalty and when this passes, your brand will feel like a ‘family member.’



I came up with some different content ideas for industries to think about. Some are really granular but for the sake of good marketing you can vibe off of it. As always, my content is free because I am passionate about marketing. If you use any of these ideas, can I just ask for a shout out? 

*I understand the following may have people going outside and there is some liability here. Ideally your company will address this liability and push best social distancing practices. The ideas below focus on building resilience with your customer base, but also provide a certain type of leadership in unprecedented times.

Sports Industry

·      I know you are hoarding video, feed me some of your best content I haven’t see. Create a miniseries! Or, do a throwback series and repost your older content. ESPN - give me a ‘C’mon Man’ through the years because that is fun and evokes reminiscence.

·      Help me figure out how to take care of my gear since the ski season was cut short

Fitness Industry

·      Give me a home workout. This should be free. Or, better yet, host a free workout at a specified time and for a consumer to access the stream they would need to submit their email address. Data capture for post pandemic… first party data… personalization… that is all I am giving you

Seltzer Water

·      Sure, it is water, but can I do anything else with your product? I personally put green’s powder in a blender with fruit, spinach and a flavored seltzer water and I call this drink a ‘Zinger.’  Get your fans to tell you their elixir’s. You just got yourself a host of new ideas.

Coffee/Tea Businesses

·      Some people’s morning routine just got axed. Coffee is a source of great of joy, perhaps start a conversation around new routines or how people are using your product at home.

·      Or, create a segment called, ‘The Coffee Hour (presented by <Insert Brand Name>).’ During this ‘hour’ your brand provides families with ideas to occupy their kids, or ideas for new drinks morning, noon and night. Or, team up with ‘The Skimm’ and provide value to your coffee fanatics.

Any Industry

·      Hero hour – who in our community is really helping during this craziness? Would it make sense for your brand to give these folks a shout out? These could be a static photo with comment, or create a video from a FaceTime/Video conference.

REI (p.s. I miss you)

·      Talk ‘gear-y’ to me. What is the latest and greatest and how do I use it. Are there new brands in the space that I don’t know about. I feel like REI is my BF and he is ghosting me. I know you operate on a 9-month cycle, but time to think on your toes!

Baking Goods

·      You have parents across the world home with kids, help a parent out. What can I do with your product in under 10 minutes?

Automotive Products

·      How do I change my oil, Motor Oil?

·      How do I change a tire, Nokian?

·      Where does my washer fluid go?

·     You get where I am going here, right?

Canned Goods Company

·      Out of fear, people have purchased more cans of beans, peas and corn than ever before. What can people ACTUALLY do with these products? Give us a recipe or start the conversation

DIY Companies

·      People now have some free time on their hands. How do you actually paint a wall? 

·      How do you fix a broken <insert household item here>?


The ideas above are just a few I thought about on a walk outside. Don’t worry, I crossed the road if I spotted a human in the distance. Marketing should always be respectful, but it is time we give something back. It is our turn to step up and help consumers during this pandemic and provide solutions and creative ideas in sensitive ways. Remember, this is a sensitive time, your content/engagement idea should be respectful and tasteful. Your marketing team has some time on their hands right now. Use it wisely. Build a content plan because we know your budget was just slashed. Now is our time to shine! Remain relevant, be respectful and help! Content is king!
